By way of background I have been a coconut specialist for 52 years having begun to study the palm at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad in 1958. My current mission statement is “coconut redemption” indicating my attempt to rescue the reputation of the palm, as a component world-wide of the tropical beach ecosystem and as a source of good food, from its many detractors. I see the activity of Dr Spencer as very unfortunate and am at a loss to detect any authentic reason for his campaign to annihilate the coconut in Australia.
Sincerely, Mike Foale
Honorary Research Consultant (coconut) - University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072
Coconut palms are actually a native species of the Australian tropical coast. They were found, for example, on Russell Island in the Frankland group near Gordonvale in the 1840s, by the survey ship Rattlesnake. Because the White-tailed rat loved to eat nuts that were washed ashore, as did the aboriginal people of Cape York, the palm was not widespread before the European settlers came. It is very much a part of tropical beach flora and, worldwide, contributes to the stability of the beach above the high tide mark. The idea that it is a threat to other native strand flora is nonsense.
I would urge northern shire councils to protect the palms on their beaches as they add an authentic tropical ambience to the environment. Any mosquito breeding would be due entirely to the careless leaving of split nuts by consumers who need to be reminded that any free water comprises such a risk during summer.
Please draw attention in your newspaper to my book "The Coconut Odyssey - the bounteous possibilities of the tree of life". This can be accessed on the internet at
The evolution of the coconut palm is described in that book. For tens of thousands of years coconut has been a principal food for coastal peoples from India through south-east Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Melanesia and right across the Polynesian islands of the Pacific. It has the potential to become an important food source also in tropical Australia and would be especially valuable for coastal aboriginal communities.
The oil of the coconut alleviates the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, it is an energy food and also has reduced the onset of dementia in some elderly folk.
It is way too valuable a resource to become the obsession of a misguided "beach protector" who seems not to be aware of the huge role that coconut has played in the human story.